Well, Well, Well its about time HOC
You may be saying it's about time HOC. What took you so long? This could also be your first time hearing about House Of Culture (if it is I advise you start here). It is true we are a little late to the E-Commerce game but in the past 3 decades we have still always made sure our customers were valued and looked their best whether they were in Boston or on the other side of the globe. Now we are just making it easier and we could not be more excited for this next phase of our community. This website marks a new season of life for us.
The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now.
But why a blog too?
A new life requires new features. The OGs will know that Culture Shock was the original name of House Of Culture when it first opened in 1992. The name is an homage to our early years.
Culture Shock will feature trends, tips & tricks, ideas, and all pertaining to House Of Culture that goes beyond pictures. In the past 3 decades we have become more than a store; a closet to customers, a hang out to friends, and therapist office to many. Now we are taking that life to the internet.